Most writers, whether hobbyists or professionals, would defend that writing is a compulsion. Yet despite this apparent need, writers find a lot a lot of ways to procrastinate (creating this podcast being one). In this episode, three Velvet members discuss why writing is so necessary, what keeps us from writing when we know we should, what keeps us writing once we start, and how helpful are writing exercises (Writers Digest would say “very;” their bottom line depends on it).(WARNING: We like tangents. Be weary)
Episode Panelists:
- Caleb/thirstygerbil (Moderator)
- Mark/PocketFives
- Rob/MuttersomeTaxicab
00:01:39 |
Episode Topic: Why aren’t you writing?!
- Is getting a book on a shelf still a reasonable goal?
- Writing allows us to deal with people. William S. Burroughs could only truly communicate through writing.
- Writing keeps us from doing worse things to ourselves
- Writing/reading offers a window to other people dealing with situations that may be similar to our own
- In the same way folktales engage us, modern fiction, especially crime writing, engages us by passing on morality lessons
What inspires or motivates?
What are your writing goals?
- Session-based word count goals
- Truly writing for yourself (not for academics or any other specific audience). Academics are still skittish about an author like Paul Auster, and he’s relatively not threatening.
- Rob wants to gain eligibility to apply for a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts
Have you tried writing Exercises?
- Max Berry’s 500 word maximum
- Shotgun writing – just sit down and go; turn off the internal editor
- Binge writing – hole up in a motel for a few weeks, just you and the laptop. Create your own prison.
- Blogging as a character
- Gilbert Sorrentino and art as the shattered mirror
Recommendations for books on writing
00:33:16 |
Other Voices, Other Rooms
00:39:51 |
What are you currently jamming to?
- Deftones, Diamond Eyes
- The Dead Weather, Sea of Cowards
- Burning Love
- Broken Social Scene, Forgiveness Rock Record
- Dillinger Escape Plan, Option Paralysis
- Murder By Death, Good Morning, Magpie
- Ha Ha Tonka
- Elliot Smith
- Bruce Springsteen, Nebraska
00:45:26 |
The Lastlies:
Originally posted 5/26/2010
Long ago, way back in 2010, when the world was a simpler place, a group of writers and readers decided to create a podcast which would establish a round-table, literary discussion format for the purposes of imbuing dick and clit jokes into otherwise serious literary discussion. Well, in late 2011, The Velvet Podcast sadly went the way of Pete Seeger. But I didn’t feel it right to watch this great content fade away. So, over the next few months look forward to a resurgence of The Velvet Podcast…as much as re-posted archived material can be called a resurgence. Enjoy. And don’t hesitate to add this podcast URL to your favorite podcast subscription app so you can enjoy the wonderful content wherever you may be.