Episode 001: Of Members and Horse Nostrils

Originally posted 3/14/2010
Online writing communities can seem, to outsiders, as a self-felicitating, collection of self-proclaimed capital-W “Writers,” appearing more cliquish than communal. To insiders, the writing community is a necessity. In this episode, three The Velvet members who have been on both the inside and the outside discuss the benefits and unfortunate hindrances of the writing community.
Episode Panelists: |
00:08:23 | The origin of the name “The Velvet” |
00:09:09 |
Episode Topic: Why writing/reading communities? |
00:09:53 | Rob doesn’t like Writers; “writers write!” |
00:10:58 | Passion is important |
00:12:20 | The importance of moderating |
00:13:04 | When a pissing contest overshadows the content |
00:16:22 | Rob still doesn’t like Writers |
00:16:45 | A bit of tongue-in-cheek whoring (ewwww…) |
00:17:35 | The community as a trusted taste-maker |
00:18:25 | Why don’t publishers create author forums? Should publishers model themselves like independent record labels? |
00:20:45 | How important is it for a writing community to have a workshopping arm? |
00:22:02 | Is a gatekeeper important? |
00:25:50 | Online vs. University critique groups |
00:29:26 | GOATSE! |
00:30:08 |
Mount Olympus |
00:38:14 | Publishers don’t know how to deal with the increasingly visual media landscape |
00:39:14 | Praise to Palahniuk for bringing men back |
00:40:03 | Novel in the age of cinema |
00:41:41 | Will publishers mistake technological advances as an evolution in reading? |
00:43:56 |
Other Voices, Other Rooms |
00:50:07 |
Think Tank |
How should Rob approach a 2nd person perspective flash story? | |
00:58:22 |
Feel the Noise |
01:01:44 | The problem with moose head |
The Lastlies: |
Long ago, way back in 2010, when the world was a simpler place, a group of writers and readers decided to create a podcast which would establish a round-table, literary discussion format for the purposes of imbuing dick and clit jokes into otherwise serious literary discussion. Well, in late 2011, The Velvet Podcast sadly went the way of Paul Walker. But I didn’t feel it right to watch this great content fade away. So, over the next few months look forward to a resurgence of The Velvet Podcast…as much as re-posted archived material can be called a resurgence. Enjoy. And don’t hesitate to add this podcast URL to your favorite podcast subscription app so you can enjoy the wonderful content wherever you may be.