Colored Chalk: Issue Four – Big Brother in my Pocket

Issue Four of the Colored Chalk zine has hit the virtual bookshelves. I swear, this thing just keeps getting better. And I don’t say that as an ego stroke considering I am a co-editor. The proof: I had absolutely nothing to do with this issue.
This issue contains some fantastic stories by Charles King, Richard Thomas, Jason Kane, Colin McKay Miller, Chris Deal, Michael A. Kechula, Gary Paul Libero, Gavin Pate, Michael Paul Gonzalez, and Tyson Estes.
As always, the issue can be viewed online and can also be printed and stapled for local distribution. Call it permissible thievery.
Issue Four theme: Big Brother in my Pocket:
Surveillance used to be difficult.
Tracking a person’s every move required a lot of legwork. Following, stalking, tracking, chasing. Exhausting.
These days, you’ve got digital, got the capability to replicate every letter, every word, every sound, every pixel.
Show everyone.
Tout triumphs.
Lament setbacks.
Rant and complain.
Brag about crimes.Monitoring you used to be a challenge, but something changed. Somebody must have promised you something for all your hard work. Promises make people so much more helpful.
To all you writers out there check out the Colored Chalk homepage for guidelines and information on the issue 5 theme: Sins of the Father. This theme spawns from an essay of the same title by brilliant writer Will Christopher Baer.