When I was growing up, meeting people on the internet was simultaneously a social death wish and a real life death wish.
Category Archives The Deaf Duck
Join me, Caleb, as I delve into the world of Unity (the 3D game development engine, not the concept of emotional togetherness). I know almost nothing about programming, but I love video games. And you know what they say, loving is half the battle (the other half is being flamed in forums for being new and not knowing about programming). I’ll share resources, discoveries, and maybe a recipe or two (not really) as I come to understand coding, Unity, and perhaps a little bit about life (not really, again. I’ve mastered life already).
Please don’t hate me for my lack of new episodes lately. Before you judge, please hear me out...I was playing a video game. Normally, that would not be a great excuse, but it kinda makes sense here, right?
In this week’s episode I start off by apologizing for this not being a weekly podcast. Oops. But then I quickly(ish) get into my progress with Unity, with C#, an update on my newest game project, and I even have time to talk a bit about what a game engine is (see, the title of this episode isn’t just a trick). Subscribe via RSS or iTunes. Highlights: I’ve finished the C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners course! I just finished lecture 80 in the Learn to Code by Making Games Unity course on Udemy! The importance of a game design document What is a Game Engine? My game dev roadmap Mentionables: Microsoft Virtual Academy.com C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners by Robert Tabor Learn To Code by Making Games – The Complete Unity Developer by Ben Tristem and Brice Fernandes My Number Wizard game (doesn’t work on Chrome) Game Maker Studio What…
In this week’s episode I dig a bit into the game The Beginner’s Guide. While The Deaf Duck is not a game review podcast, The Beginner’s Guide touches on an aspect of creation (any creation really, but in this case video games) that’s often discussed but rarely (that I know of) with the video game medium: Can a person have a satisfying creative life without having objectives for his art? In other words, can one create simply for creation's sake? Be a deary and share this podcast with friends who, probably like you, are new to C# and Unity. You can subscribe via RSS or iTunes. And now for the show notes part of this blog: Mentioned Resources Learn To Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer by Ben Tristem and Brice Fernandes Microsoft Virtual Academy.com C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners by Robert Tabor My first console application…
Welcome back to The Deaf Duck Podcast, where I, Caleb, document my journey with Unity3D from absolute beginner to +1 absolute beginner, which is still a beginner….ha, math jokes. Absolute. My primary motivation for this podcast is to keep me motivated within the world of intimidating coding forums and unfair anger toward those of us trying to learn. Be a deary and share this podcast with friends who, probably like you, are new to C# and Unity. You can subscribe via RSS or iTunes. And now for the show notes part of this blog: Mentioned Resources Learn To Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Developer by Ben Tristem and Brice Fernandes Unity3D subreddit Microsoft Virtual Academy.com C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners by Robert Tabor Syntax and Context / Grammar and Programming 3 Myths of Learning Programming Language Mentioned Non-resources What’s that Smell? my Text Adventure 101 game Am…
Hey’s it’s another podcast from Caleb J. Ross (me)! I know, I know, that exclamation point is totally warranted. Join me as I delve into the world of Unity (the 3D game development engine, not the concept of emotional togetherness). I know almost nothing about programming, but I love video games. And you know what they say, loving is half the battle (the other half is being flamed in forums for being new and not knowing about programming). I plan to release an episode every week or so. Please check back here at calebjross.com for future episodes. Subscribe via RSS. Show notes and mentionables: Building the Game podcast Learn To Code by Making Games - The Complete Unity Training Course from Udemy by Ben Tristem Unity 3D My Udemy course profile Rubber Duck Debugging