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The interview is a rare opportunity to experience the inner workings of a person. Unless that person likes to call himself a writer, then the interview is just old news to those who've read his stories. Fiction can be the ultimate autobiography, though a structured and controlled autobiography it is. Fiction is makeup.So what's a writer to do when he wants to wash away the mascara? He answers some questions in an attempt to categorize his life, similar to the desires of the protagonist in Jean-Paul Sartre's Nausea: I wanted the moments of my life to follow and order themselves like those of a life remembered. And like this protagonist the writer understands that "You might as well try and catch time by the tail." Jason Kane and Justin Holt, both writers themselves, were kind enough to pretend I had interesting things to say, to pretend I had a some…

It happened sooner than I expected, sooner than I wanted, and sooner than necessary, to be sure, but it's here. And to be honest, the idea of a personal homepage still seems a bit arrogant to me. "Who cares?" right? But we all must accept the times, I suppose; must accept our technological evolutionary tendencies. As Mrs. Rose, a character in one of my current projects says, "only when you accept control can you really be free." I don't know if I agree with that, but it justifies this ego-trip homepage swimmingly. This is the Caleb Ross Official Homepage (call it CROH because the acronym sounds really urban). I've held off contributing to the already brackish stagnancy that is the majority of personal online fiction sites, writing instead for me, for lit mags, for friends, but now anyone can be charged as an accomplice. For those of you who arrived…
