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Category Archives Stranger Will

Today, I stop at the lovely Simon West-Bulford's blog to talk about the importance of reading outside your comfort zone. Click here to take in the genius ("genius" is German for "post," right?). Also, you may have to manually search the site for this post (there is no permalink available). See all the other stops and dates at the Blog Orgy Tour page. And please, spread the love via Twitter, Facebook, or by any other means. Spread the love like a herpes outbreak.

Jason at What to Wear During an Orange Alert was kind enough to have me splash my opinions all over his Friday Watch List column. Groupies beware: the rockstar you've come to love might have some tastes that will force you to reevaluate your infatuation with me. And if this list doesn't do it, my b.o probably will. See all of the rest of the stops here.

My story, “The Word Will Die Too” is now live at Cherry Bleeds. I have long been a fan of Cherry Bleeds, as they consistently deliver the most visceral, oft-grotesque fiction around. It’s an honor to be a part of that legacy, though fodder for my own self-criticism as well (“Am I really that disturbed?”). Author’s Note: This is by far the most depressing thing I have written to date. It is said that silver lining can be found in even the filthiest Goodwill coat, but when shit like this story comes out of me, I wonder. Also included: perhaps the most disturbing image I’ve ever written (challenged only by an abortion scene in Stranger Will – which you haven’t read, because it hasn’t been published yet).

Another fine yarn from ye olde Caleb J Ross takes valuable web space away from more needy charities. This one, an excerpt from my unpublished novel, Stranger Will, is called Formaldehyde and appears at the never disappointing Red Fez. Formaldehyde is a bastardized version of the opening chapter of Stranger Will, very much pulled apart and reassembled into something with its own horrible intentions. This is all to say that if you don't like this story, then you may still love Stranger Will. However, if you do love this story then I take back what I said above; this story is exactly like the rest of the novel.

..."How old were you the first time?" "The first time I shot someone? Nineteen." Leksi nodded and opened his mouth, but forgot what he had meant to say. Finally, he asked, "Who were we fighting back then?" Nikolai laughed. "How old do you think I am, Aleksandr?" "Thirty-Five?" Nikolai smiled broadly, flashing his crooked teeth. "Twenty-four." He pressed the poker's tip against the base of Leksi's skull. "Here's where the bullet goes." From "The Devil Comes to Orekhovo" as included in When the Nines Roll Over I can be a literary snob when I have to be. I'll admit that critically praised contemporary fiction is never something I go out of my way to jump on. You'd sooner catch me reading a forgotten receipt than something sitting on a grocery store book shelf. Why? I just feel that a lot of great writing goes unnoticed, and it's my job as…
