A few of you know how unbelievably happy I am to say this. The rest of you will likely get tired of me saying this: my story chapbook is now officially available for preorder! Books will ship around November 16th.
All preorders will receive a copy of the book, along with the following:
- A (very) personal inscription. Note the specific name you would like the inscription made out to in the PayPal comments area. Also, note my use of the word “very;” I warn you: you may be disturbed by what I write. If you would rather a flat-signed, or “clean” copy, note that in the PayPal comments area as well.
- A picture of me signing the book (so there are no Antiques Roadshow conflicts 90 years from now)
- As part of the made up LUNGS FOR READERS program, each preorder will smell of delicious ACID cigars. Trust me, even if you don’t like cigars, you’d love the smell of ACIDs. Imagine if cinnamon and Italian food had a veal baby*. Think of this, too: OW Press is mailing these out in the middle of Winter (where I am, anyway), meaning that I have to sit outside, freezing, to bring you the smell of these cigars. My pain, your gain.
- Whatever other fun stuff I can find to cram between the book’s pages
That’s all the bulleted aspects above and 63 pages of some quite fantastic writing. How much? you ask. $7. Seriously, OW Press and I don’t make any profit on this (unless hundreds of copies find their way into the world). You are buying love. Money goes back into making more books.
For more general information on Charactered Pieces, take a look at my info page, here. |
Preorder now. I only get to touch the books once, so I can’t personally inscribe after the initial round of inscriptions. Unless we meet awkwardly in public somewhere. Hint: I’m the guy in the trench-coat…
Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS Feed. I don’t only whore myself, as you’ve seen here. Check my archives; I post interesting stuff too.
*Drew Estates (the makers of ACID cigars) don’t endorse me in any way. They goddamn can if they want to, though. This is an official offer: I will become (continue to be?) a Drew Estates whore if I get some free cigars.
I’m so proud of you, man. I hope someday you take ALL of your stories and anthologize them (er, up to that point, I mean). But until then I’ll buy them in any format you care to release them. Can’t wait til I can just outcord or mainline them straight into my cortex. Though inhabiting any one of these characters for a length of time might have me wishing otherwise. Beautiful stuff, and I hope everyone gets to experience it for themselves.
Thank you. Wow. Thank you. I plan on releasing a solid gold, human turd, engraved edition that will sell for hundreds more than it is worth. Good thing you promised to buy in any format.
Seriously, it means a lot. Truly touched, I am.