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Today is another double-header, sending me from the literary and artistic haven for poets, writers and artists known as Troubadour21 to the subterranean bloke’s room populated by Bukowski, Kerouac, Carver, and Waits known as Bukowski’s Basement (I think Bukowski contributes more than is 1/4 of the rent to get his name on the sign).

At Troubadour21, a full story from Charactered Pieces is posted. This one called “Refill,” which originally appeared in the now defunct Green Muse Review. This story is a personal one, semi-autobiographical, yet despite what that description implies, it isn’t boring.

Over in Bukowski’s Basement, I talk a bit about my secret dream of being a barstool stereotype. It’s not secret anymore. The post also acts as the final installment of my Author Notes, this one about the non-fiction piece, “A Chinese Gemini.” Fitting, the piece spends some time in a bar.

The Blog Orgy Tour is winding down. But I promise that these final days just might be the best. I’ve got an AMAZING review coming from Craig Wallwork’s blog; a bit on my note-taking process at Jason Kane’s blog; I help some writers at Medialysis; I promote scribbling in books at LitDrift; I have a top five list at Deckfight; and last A FULL WEEK OF FREEDOM BLOGGING AT 3AM MAGAZINE. Click here for links to all the upcoming stops.

You want to be a part of it all. Contact me. I’ll swing by and mess up your blog, too.
