Blog Orgy Tour stop #15: a new story, my second about retarded kids

Today is a special day in the Blog Orgy Tour. Not only is this the first stop of the new decade, but it’s a unique stop in that I have a brand new story to offer. The story, “Legs Unwilling,” is one of the most disturbing stories I’ve ever written. And between this story and an older story, “Petty Injuries,” I might have the makings of a collection of stories built around mentally disabled children. How’s that for a feel-good read?
I’m quite glad to have Rotten Leaves post this story. The editors, Axel Taiari and Christopher Dwyer are fantastic writers themselves. Stick around the site and check out the other offered fiction.
The Blog Orgy Tour is winding down. But damn good things are still to come. See the dates, here.