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Posts By Caleb J. Ross

began writing his sophomore year of undergrad study when, tired of the formal art education then being taught, he abandoned the pursuit in the middle of a compositional drawing class. Major-less and fearful of losing his financial aid, he signed up to seek a degree in English Literature for no other reason than his lengthy history with the language. Coincidentally, this decision not only introduced him to writing but to reading as well. Prior this transition he had read three books. One of which he understood.

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Most gamers, and most people in general, realize Tetris is an important game. Especially, Fractal Tetris Huracan, who wants to marry the game. Many of us probably attribute importance to the game's cross demographic appeal. Tetris was getting grandma to play video games way before WII Sports. Some of us might even be nerdy enough to credit the game's importance to its inclusion as the Game Boy pack-in title, a decision that lead to the Game Boy being the highest selling handheld console for years until the DS line. The Tetris Effect: The Game that Hypnotized the World by Dan Ackerman tells a story that positions Tetris as much more than just mass appeal and big sales. Tetris reflects the delicate intersection between Cold War Soviet Union Communism and American Capitalism. If you’re thinking spies and subterfuge, you’re not far off. In fact, the subtitle of the paperback version of this book is “The Cold War Battle for the World’s Most Addictive Game.”

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The least creative thing to say after having played this game is that Human Fall Flat falls flat. And I’m mentally exhausted after playing the game, so that’s what I’ll say. Human Fall Flat falls flat.

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Nintendo Labo is video games + cardboard, but you know what Labo is. Why else click on a video titled One Week with Labo, unless you thought this was a indie film emote piece about a boy’s final days with his pet Labrador retriever as it, or he, or both are dying of cancer, or rabies, or both. But I doubt that’s why you’re here, and frankly only an inconsiderate jerk would waste your time even imagining the very idea that you don’t know what Nintendo Labo is, so I'll move on with giving you my thoughts on how Nintendo Labo is going after just one week.
