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The Blank und Questions series is now two-interviews strong; though, incestuous they may be [1.) I interview Gordon Highland, 2.) He interviews me]. I’m looking to spread the influence. I’ve got a few more lined up, and I hope to add many conversations to the series at next year’s AWP Conference in Denver, CO. Will you be there?

Gordon, author of Major Inversions, was kind enough to sit down with me and wax the ol’ ego at my favorite Kansas City dive-bar, The Newsroom. This visit, I met a woman named Julie who brought in fresh catfish and was nice enough to share. Julie, if you are reading this, it was absolutely perfect.

Gordon and I sat down in the back room of the bar, a cozy, couch & chair lined seclusitorium that is normally used for live music (one of which was setting up around us during the interview). When not used for music, it turns into a fine chat area. He asks about my chapbook, Charactered Pieces: stories, my dabbling of meta-fiction elements, and the non-fiction aspects of my writing. Plus, at the end, you get a taste of a phone call from my wife.

The things hanging on the wall behind me are typewriters. Yes, The Newsroom is decorated in old typewriters. Now do you understand why it is the best dive-bar in KC?

For other Blank und Questions videos, check out the Blank und Questions playlist. I’ll add more videos as they materialize.
